Sunday, July 1, 2012

Using the invisible character

Computer TipDo you have something that requires a name but you don’t want anything in it? You could just throw nonsense in there, but a blank space would be best. In actuality, there is an invisible character! This special character is the equivalent of a space:

Hold down ALT then type 0160 (Alt+0160) on the number keypad at the right side of your keyboard.

You could use it as an email address when filling out forms: @ .com

Giving your desktop shortcuts blank labels so all you see is the icon. (This will only work on shortcuts, not on My Computer, My Documents, or program icons.)

You must have your shortcut labels set to drop shadow so that the they are clear.

Then, follow the normal way to change the filename: click the name slowly two times to highlight the name. Or click the icon once and hit F2.

Type in our invisible character code (Alt+0160). There you go–an icon with no label.

Keep in mind that if you want to do this to other shortcuts you can’t have the same name, so just type the code more than once. That means that for the first shortcut you type Alt+0160 release the Alt key then type Alt+0160 again. For the third icon do it three times, etc.

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Disabling Windows Vista and 7 Login at Startup

Computer TipWhen you start your Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer, by default the system makes you enter your password to log in. Here’s a way to get around it.
When you first install Vista or 7 and start using it, you are required to enter in a password for your account. But after that, you’re not really given a choice to remove the password if you don’t want it. You’re just sort of stuck typing it in every time and that can get old rather quickly!
If you’re not the only one who uses your computer, consider leaving it this way. It is a good security feature and it helps to keep all of the different accounts, files and preferences separate from each other. But if you’re the only one who ever uses your computer, you should be able to get rid of the password prompt if you want.
If you’d like to bypass the Windows Vista and 7 log on process and remove your password, just follow these steps:
Go to Start, Control Panel.Click on the User Accounts and Family Safety link.Next, click on the User Accounts link.Under the “Make changes to your user account” section, click on the Remove Your Password link for your account.On the next screen that comes up, enter in your current password.Click on the Remove Password button to confirm everything.Close out of all the open windows and restart your computer. That will allow you to test the system to make sure your password really was removed.
From now on, when you start up your Vista computer, you will be taken to your desktop automatically and you will no longer have to worry about a password.
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